He shoots amazing stuff - as part of his repertoire he had a section on his website called LIFE - which documented...well life - in New York, cool shit, party people, energy, music, drinking, more cool shit, hot girls, cooler shit, backstages, cooler than the cooler shit and basically everything else in between.
We got chatting about this and he said how he was changing the name of LIFE to FEELSGOODLETSGO.COM - and that he need a logo.
So how do you embody all the above? - Music, drinking, parties, cool shit? Well by using a lightening bolt my friends:
And what's more - we give the stickers out and get other people to be creative in there placement of the stickers - awesome.
So if you're in New York look out for the stickers - and if you do see one, take a shot and send it.
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